Erin Roma, Erin was born, raised, and primarily educated in upstate New York. Her undergraduate experience at Nazareth College in Rochester, NY introduced her to the field of Social Work. After receiving a bachelor’s degree in social work, she went on to the University of Pennsylvania and obtained a master’s degree, also in social work. As a practicing social worker, Erin spent a lot of time working with families with a focus on school systems and the juvenile justice system. In 2015, Erin sought support from the Matthew Reardon Center as she was starting to navigate the system for her own child with autism. Not long after, she was working as an advocate for Matthew Reardon Center. In recent years, Erin worked with an attorney in Savannah who was specializing in disability related law. She recently branched out to start her own advocacy business. Erin is a licensed master social worker in the state of Georgia, a member of the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates, and a member of the National Association of Social Workers.